i guess its a good time as any to reflect on the year thats coming to an end.
a year that was filled with so much joy and happiness.
but also with its fair share of sorrows.
a year that brought it with the dreams and promise of a great eternity and future.
but also a year that dashed many hopes.
as i sit here and ponder what had gone wrong in 2005, i realise that i do not feel as upset as i should be given what has happened. there is truth in the saying that there is no point in crying over spilt milk, just learn to not repeat the same mistakes again. and i have been living by that code. but it seems to have a frightening effect when i think about it.
come to think of it, do i wanna brood about it like most people do and waste my precious time?
or do i want to move on and enjoy whatever time i have left?
it all seems much clearer now.
Tariq ::
email ::
|12:59 am|