Thursday, November 24, 2005

the australian drug trafficker

i'm sure you guys must have heard or read the news about the australian who is going to be hanged and that australia is pissed off with singapore's decision. well i do not believe in taking away someone else's life because they were trafficking drugs. on the other hand, i feel that a lot of unjust comments have been made about singapore, and while i am not one to say that i am a patriotic singaporean, i feel that such comments should be rebutted on the sake of intellectual debate.

now there are many comments, mostly negative, made by foreigners about the sentence and i shall not highlight them all here but basically here are some of them:

comment: if he is hung, who is the one that suffers? his mom and relatives who would be mourning till the end of their time because of the lost of a loved one.
my rebuttal: what if he had made it through with the drugs? then how many more lives would be destroyed as a result of such people taking drugs? i would even go as far as to say that those drugs could be pushed to first time users and thus getting them hooked onto a fatal habit.

comment: a lot of people are seriously offended by singapore's actions
my rebuttal: the law is there for everyone to see. if you do not know the laws and you get caught, is it your fault for doing the illegal? it is one thing to be ignorant about the sentence but another thing totally when you know what you are in for and still go ahead and commit it.

comment: people would have a negative view towards singapore because of their actions.
my rebuttal: wun the world have a more negative view if they let this person off? true we are talking about a life here but what message is this sending to the druglords? i really pity the guy and would be sorely bitter towards the government as well if something happened to a loved one of mine, but alas, if this is the path that he chose to lead, then he has to be man enough to face the consequences.

again i have to stress that i do not condone what singapore is doing but looking at the bigger picture, it is something that has to be done. the fact that a life is involved makes it even harder and the area grey. however, those who would like to comments should always consider both sides of the story before letting their emotions run high and making one-sided judgements.

Tariq :: email ::
|12:04 am|

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