Saturday, March 05, 2005

live the dream

they say there's a fine line between reality. but where is that fine line drawn? and can it be shifted or is it the same for everyone? is it possible to be awake and still live in a world that u and many others dream of?

highly possible. and achievable if. if you want it that is. now wait a minute, if one could make their dreams come true, wouldnt everyone want to then? then what's stopping them from doing so? the answer's simple yet complex: your mind.

i think therefore i am. u find what u seek. some of the phrases that i share with ppl who ask how i live my life. settin myself limits was somethin i din do. when i wanted somethin, i din say it was too hard or too difficult or that i couldnt afford to do it. those were obstacles that i din need in achievin my goals. and it made my journey so much easier. focusin on the positive but keepin in mind the negatives in case they did come up, i could handle it. and life was pretty much good for me.

but out of the blue, i was made to realise that there was more in store. and the funny thing about it was i wasnt expecting it to happen. they say that the greatest things in life usually happen when u least expect it and i'm a believer of that; me being a happy victim of such circumstances.

so do dreams come true or they just something that we do when lectures get too boring? u decide. but if your answer's the latter, talk to me and u may just change your mind :P dreams d come true if you believe in it long enough and keep the faith.

when you want something you never had, you must do something you have never done

Tariq :: email ::
|5:08 pm|

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