always searching for it but seldom finding it. yet we continue our quest for that elusive thing. many have fail and many more will come to learn of the harsh truth surroundin this mystical gem but yet, like mindless drones, we carry on with it.
wat is it bout it that makes us yearn for it so much? because its the forbidden fruit that we were told to stay away from because it was bad for us? because it is something we dun have now and would very dearly want it in our hands one day? or somthing else?
why do we put all that have into something that has a high chance of failing and yet still invest so much of our resources into it? in the hope that everyone else would be proved wrong. but on a deeper level, in the hope that the faith we have in ourselves would pay off?
is it so hard to live the life that we have been given? a mainly comfortable life with the occasional bumps and humps to remind us to be appreciative of the things that we have and not to be greedy wanting the things that we dun have? is such a choice such a tough decision? being human, i could only imagine the answer being an affirmative YES!!
but being human also means that we have the gifts and powers inside of us to one day be able to touch the glory that we long so much for. being human means that we learn not thru success but thru the countless times that we have failed. being human means we can make choices and not just accept what we have been given. some call it being greedy. i prefer to call it being human.
the question we have to ask ourself is this: how much do we want it? bad enough to risk everything and anything we have and to ignore all advise coming our way so that all that we're dangling by is our belief? is anyone willing to go that far? is the juice worth the squeeze?
For glory only gives herself to those who have always dreamt of her
Tariq ::
email ::
|9:36 am|