Wednesday, February 16, 2005


keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. i dun noe who said that but it doesnt really matter. coz the advice is the most important. and i totally agree with it.

if you're gonna distant yourself from your enemies, how are you ever gonna learn of their next move on you? if you're gonna distant yourself from them, how are you gonna know how to protect yourself?

i used to hate my enemies. i din really noe if i hated someone so much coz they were better than me and in the process they turned into my enemies. or was it because i hated someone so much that he was my enemy and then i realised his strengths? either way there was somethin that i din see at that time.

and that is that i can learn from my enemies. no matter how much hatred i had, i still wanted to find out what made them better than me. why was it they always had the upper hand over me? wat was it they did that gave them this "super-power"?

always remember, respect thy enemy, no matter how weak they may appear. coz u never noe what lurks underneath it all.

Tariq :: email ::
|11:47 pm|

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