Saturday, September 24, 2005


cant believe somethin in history class actually has a direct impact but that only goes to show that not everything we learn in school will become useless later on.

perspectives. a lot of arguments stem from this. i know my latest one does. the thing about perspectives is no one is right, neither is anyone wrong. because with perspective, you have your own set of rules and principles that you live by. these sets were created by you and moulded by your surroundings. even brothers and sisters living together for the longest of times would have different perspectives on the same issue.

one could say the grass is green, but if i were to counter and say that the grass is blue, am i wrong? sure common sense says that grass is green but could always grow grass in a blue solution and it'll turn out blue. its a weak argument to some, but the simplicity of it doesnt make it any less insignificant when understand this complex issue.

so how do we overcome this perspective barrier in relationships? well, the solution, like most solutions, would be to stop it before it even happens. you have to sit down with the that person and iron out the rules because in times of crisis, different people will act differently. so lay out those rules and agree to it. no point layin out your rules and nobody agrees. and no point laying out general rules that would have potential loopholes in the future.

i know its hard work, but with it comes the promise that you will have less arguments or maybe even none because now people will know what is expected of them in times of needs. and you dun have to do it with everyone, just with the people that matter. like the people at work, your family, your group mates. know what the rules are before plunging in or you'll be the frustrated one in the end.

Tariq :: email ::
|3:42 pm|

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