Thursday, April 14, 2005

why quit now?

all great thing start with a dream. a simple one that you got while listening to a boring lecture or while waiting for the bus at the bus stop. thru that dream, you saw how u could make your life so much better, and possibly those around you too as well.

but you also realised that fulfilling that dream and making it a part of your reality was not gonna be easy. there was gonna be a lot of obstacles that you would have to go thru, a lot of hard-knocks that you would have to endure. but at the bottom of it all, you also knew that there was the passion there to fuel your drive forward. forward to that dream.

and so with that dream in your head and that fire in your belly, you start to chase that dream. days and nights were spent thinking of possible paths and journeys that you could make to reach that sacred land. some were crazy, some were unfeasible but u just thought of anything that you could to reach it. and then u found one. one path. one journey that would take you there. it was still as crazy as the rest but it was the most feasible.

and people din believe you. people din think that you could achieve what you were setting out to do. they mocked at you. they made fun of you. they told you to wake up and smell the polluted air. but then there are those who believed in you, no matter how crazy your journey sounded. they encouraged you on. and with their encouragement and passion. you persevered.

then there comes a point of your journey. the turning point if i may call it. the point where you feel so dejected and so angry with the world around you. you had given up everything: your job security, your way of life, your comfort zones to achieve the dream. yet it was no where in sight. and everyone around you was tellin you that it was not goin to work out the way you wanted it to. that you should better do somethin else. something else that would at least bring you back to your glory days. but you knew they were wrong. you knew you were close. but you were also terrified that you may never reach mecca.

it's at this point that you have to push hard. harder than you have done before. coz to put it simply, its all downhill from there. it was the hardest point to get thru but its also one of the last few if not the last obstacles for you to go thru.

you can always quit, so why quit now? why quit when you have suffered so much? why quit when you are so near you goal?

always remeber that you're on the edge and think about quitting, change the channel and start thinkin about what got you into that situation in the first place. what was it that made you suffer so much? what was it that made you give up so much for nothing you could hold in your hand to assure you?

it was the passion of your dream. it was lost when all your insecurities set in. it was lost when people started disbelieving in you and thei disbelief rubbed onto you. but was it lost? i dun think so. it was buried. but never lost.

and when you have found that passion again, it starts up your spirits. it continues to burn. just as brightly and as strongly as before, if not even stronger. and it will give you the boost and fervour that you need to push yourself all the way on the final lap till you reach the finish line. and that's when you realised that you had in you all the time to make the journey.

you can always quit? but why quit now when you have gone thru so far? and are about to reach achieve your dreams?

Tariq :: email ::
|11:21 am|

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