Monday, December 20, 2004

it's all bout what's up there, in your mind that is

why do ppl limit their reality? why do they impose on themselves? dont't they know that they can get what they want, if they just work hard for it? examples are always there in their everyday lives. you wanna get in shape, you work out. you wanna get an A in the exams, you study for it. you wanna make money, you work for it. miracles do happen and u sometimes dun have to work for those things but that's another issue entirely.

so why not work for what you want? instead of choosing to stick to your reality and believe what is most probably goin to happen. how will one grow and experience new experiences if they are all afraid of venturing out of their realities? am i being crazy or idealistic by sayin such stuff? well it all depends on what your reality is in the first place.

i once read somewhere that the future is a big lie. a big lie that we tell ourselves. lies such as "i can't do that", "it's impossible", "i'm not smart enough to accomplish that" and so on. now to me, within my reality, if you were to tell me such things, i'd say you are lying. and why would i do that? simply because the future isn't here yet. so how can u say u have failed when u have yet to even try? but why is it that when such ppl say such negative things about the future, they come true? coz THEIR WORDS BECOME FLESH. they chose to believe their words and their destiny and it became true. now look at those who have also lied about their futures but in a positive way. lies such as "i'm gonna break that world record", "i'll be the next big thing" and so forth. again lies coz the future has yet to happen. but the thing is their future turns out the way they said it. THEIR WORDS BECOME FLESH. so if you are lying about your future, why not lie about it in a positive way? one that would bring you success and happiness instead of disappointment and sadness?

now at this point (or maybe earlier) some may even be sayin, the world and reality that i talk of doesnt exist. that if i were to use my common sense, i would see how wrong i have been. well i dun blame these ppl for sayin such things coz their judgement is shaped by their mindset. what i choose to make my reality is what they perceive to be fantasy. until you can break out or exapnd your reality or at least be open minded, there's just no way we can see eye to eye. u dun have to accept what i am sayin coz i aint here to change your mindset. just offering you a diff perspective; a perspective that was there all along but one which a lot of ppl (including me at one stage) failed to see.

there may be a fine line between dreams and realities but it all depends on how you want to draw that line.

Tariq :: email ::
|9:44 am|

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